Substance Abuse
Hotline: Rhode Island

Free Addiction Help

Rhode Island Drug Abuse Statistics
overdoses in Rhode Island in 2022

One in five Rhode Islanders used illicit drugs in the previous month, according to 2022 reports from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). 

All forms of addiction are significant problems across the United States. In 2019, 20 million U.S. adults satisfied the criteria for drug addiction or alcoholism. 2022 data show that 49 million adults have diagnosable substance use disorders or alcohol use disorders. 

What makes this disturbing situation worse is that only 10 million of those people successfully engaged with addiction treatment. Substance abuse hotlines are one approach that can help connect those who require evidence-based addiction treatment with reputable service providers in Rhode Island.

Rhode Island Drug Abuse Statistics
overdoses in Rhode Island in 2022
an image of someone calling an addiction hotline

Substance Abuse Hotline for Rhode Island

Maybe you or a family member in Rhode Island knows that they need help addressing addiction but has no idea how to get started. 

Call Addiction Hotline Rhode Island and begin the recovery process by getting responses to all your addiction-related queries. Call at any time and speak with trained professionals in complete confidence. 

For residents of Rhode Island who are ready to engage with detox and rehab, hotline staff can provide referrals to addiction specialists, treatment providers, detox centers and rehabs throughout the state. 

Call 844-575-6602 when you are ready to address drug or alcohol addiction in Rhode Island.

Rhode Island Addiction Recovery Helplines

Many residents of Rhode Island first explore local government resources when considering addiction recovery.

Addiction Hotline

Our free and confidential hotline is run by recovery specialists who are now in recovery themselves. They understand what it’s like to need help, find the right treatment, and achieve long-term sobriety.  You can call this line now at 844-575-6602.

Recovery Community Centers

The Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities & Hospitals in the state has established a thorough website aimed at connecting Rhode Island residents with their nearby recovery community center. Access a list of these centers along with contact information right here.

Recovery & Hope Hotline

The Department of Health in the state provides a complementary and confidential hotline for all residents. Dial 401-414-5465 to connect with a licensed counselor prepared to provide support, tips, referrals, and additional assistance. For further details, explore the website.

Drug Addiction and Alcoholism in Rhode Island

In 2022, 434 Rhode Islanders died of accidental overdose deaths, mirroring the previous year’s data when 435 such fatalities occurred. Drug overdose deaths have been increasing in the state since 2019 due to a more potent drug supply at both local and national levels, plateauing in 2022. 

Despite the overall constancy in fatal overdoses from 2021 and 2022 in Rhode Island, there was a pivotal shift in the latter half of 2022 with rates reducing. If the initial uptick had persisted, Rhode Island would have experienced a total of 492 fatal overdose deaths. 

Overdoses disproportionately impact men, individuals aged 25 to 54, and non-Hispanic people of color in Rhode Island. Disturbingly, the rate of lethal overdoses among Latinx Rhode Islanders surged by 50% from 2021 to 2022.


Private settings remained the predominant locations for overdoses, with 84% of cases occurring in homes. Cocaine and fentanyl continued to play substantial roles in fatal overdoses, with fentanyl implicated in 75% of cases and cocaine in 50% of cases. 

Call 844-575-6602 when you are ready to move beyond addiction in Rhode Island.

Call Addiction Hotlines
Today for 24/7 Help

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, reach out for assistance. Addiction hotlines are available 24/7 to provide the support and guidance you need to start your journey towards recovery.